Sunday, August 20, 2017

Uncut Diamond For Sale

Uncut Diamond For Sale

Uncut Diamond For Sale
in our opinion the intent of Uncut Diamonds For Sale
is a diamond that will sell traded then there will be costs to selling prices reduced, for more details such as the following:
Resale and Exchange procedure is added:

The jewelry will be sold again or add Exchange must be in good condition and can be accepted.
To add Exchange jewelry. The new value of the goods should be at least 20% higher than the value of the received goods to be exchanged.
Subject assessment of circumstances determined by the jewelry of precious metals,and the decision is final and decisive.
Resale value and exchange rate Plus:

Diamond Jewelry

Value added rate diamond jewelry with a period of under 6 months are subject to a 10% discounted invoice 6 months to 1 year subject to discounted 15% from the invoice price and for a period of more than 1 year subject to discounted 20% of price of the invoice.
The value of diamond jewelry are selling again with a period of 1 year subject to pieces under the 20% of the invoice price and for a period of 1 year subject to pieces above 25% of the invoice price.
GIA Diamond Jewelry

GIA diamond jewelry value exchange rate plus a period of under 6 months are subject to a 5% discounted market price of 6 months to 1 year subject to a piece of 10% of the market price and for a period of more than 1 year subject to discounted 15% of the market price.
Sell GIA diamond jewelry value again with a period of under 1 year subject to discounted 15% of the market price and for a period of 1 year subject to pieces above 20% of the market price.
Gemstone Diamond Jewelry & Other

The value of the Gemstone diamond jewelry Exchange plus other & period under 6 months subject to discounted 15% from the price of the invoice for 6 months to 1 year subject to discounted 20% of the invoice price and for a period of more than 1 year subject to discounted 25% of the invoice price.
Gemstone diamond jewelry value other restore sell & with a period of 1 year subject to pieces under 25% of the invoice price and for a period of 1 year subject to piecesabove 30% of the price of the invoice.